Work In Progress

From April – June 2019, I’ve taken a 3 month sabbatical to complete a science fiction police procedural with a projected final word count of 75,000. I will be editing the novel and ready to pitch for agency representation from late 2019.

If you’d like a partial draft before that, please get in touch: annamharte [at] gmail [dot] com

The Pitch

Set in a near-future Canada, UNTITLED follows the story of Luke Cote, a detective with superpowers on the hunt for a serial killer who has the same abilities. But the closer he gets to catching the killer, the more he risks discovery of his own secrets — and his dark past.

About Me

Previous work includes a zombie short story collection entitled Hungry For You, and the dystopian fantasy novel Above Ground. Under the pseudonym Kit Iwasaki, I co-wrote Intern With A Vampire, a Grey’s Anatomy meets True Blood supernatural drama. My short stories have been featured in a number of places including The Best of Friday Flash Volume II, the Tales For Canterbury charity anthology to which Neil Gaiman also contributed.


“A.M. Harte can certainly spin a yarn, and knows how to keep the reader moving forward.”

– Merrilee Faber, e-Fiction Book Club